Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas | Review

title: throne of glass

author: sarah j. maas

series: throne of glass #1

page count: 404

publication: August 7, 2012

publisher: bloomsbury 

format: Hardcover

source: library 

After serving out a year of hard labor in the salt mines of Endovier for her crimes, 18-year-old assassin Celaena Sardothien is dragged before the Crown Prince. Prince Dorian offers her her freedom on one condition: she must act as his champion in a competition to find a new royal assassin.

Her opponents are men-thieves and assassins and warriors from across the empire, each sponsored by a member of the king’s council. If she beats her opponents in a series of eliminations, she’ll serve the kingdom for three years and then be granted her freedom. Celaena finds her training sessions with the captain of the guard, Westfall, challenging and exhilirating. But she’s bored stiff by court life. Things get a little more interesting when the prince starts to show interest in her… but it’s the gruff Captain Westfall who seems to understand her best.

Then one of the other contestants turns up dead… quickly followed by another. Can Celaena figure out who the killer is before she becomes a victim? As the young assassin investigates, her search leads her to discover a greater destiny than she could possibly have imagined.

Okay, so I loved this book. I mean the hype around it is real, so I kind of went in expecting it to be great, and it didn’t disappoint. It’s high fantasy, and it’s amazing. Celeana was such a great character to read from. She’s super badass and she’s pretty funny, I loved her POV. Then we have Chaol and Dorian, the love interests. Yes, this has a love triangle in it, but it doesn’t really take main focus in the story, she’s too amazing for that. I’m just going to come out and say it, I’m team Dorian, and I’ve just finished reading Crown of Midnight, so if anyone expected that it would change my mind, it didn’t. I’m with Christine on this one, Dorian FTW! Here’s the thing with Chaol, I like him, I do, but I don’t see him as a love interest. I see him more as a protector, like a best friend really, but Dorian is so clearly the right love interest, I don’t get why everyone doesn’t see it that way. I was so frustrated during Crown of Midnight…..but that’s for the next review. To be honest, when I finished this book, even though  I was leaning more towards Dorian, I was still one the fence, but after Crown of Midnight, the path was super clear. I mean they share so much in common, I mean I really don’t get why people ship her with Chaol over Dorian lol.. Dorian is glorious compared to Chaol who’s just like basic……

So basically, this book was amazing, I loved every second of it, and I loved the sequel just as much. I’d recommend everyone to read this, especially if you enjoy the show Reign, Game of Thrones, if you liked Legend by Marie Lu (different genre, but I feel like Celeana and June are a bit similar). From now on there might be mild spoilers about the book so read at your own caution (:

I loved when Celeana wrote to Dorian about borrowing the books from the library, and he sent back the tower of books to her, that was so cute.

So anyways, the competition, I loved the friendship she developed with Nox. How badass she was in all the challenges. The final battle was so suspenseful to read about,  I mean I loved how she easily beat Grave,but then I was so mad she didn’t realize the wine was poisoned. It felt suspenseful because I didn’t know whether or not she would win. I knew she wasn’t going to die, but I didn’t know if she would win, because the story could’ve gone either way really, she could’ve ended up not becoming the King’s Champion, and granted the story would’ve been different, but I think it could of still happened, and honestly, until Elena came, I didn’t see how she was going to get out of it.

Queen Elena, so apparently Celeana shares blood with her somehow, I loved her arc in the story, it was nice to have her like a guardian angel looking over Celeana, and Nehemia, I love her too, her friendship with Celeana is beautiful, and I think much needed on both parts.

When Dorian gave her that bag of candy and the puppy, oh that was just such a beautiful scene. I love how she ate like the whole bag of candy, it shows that even though she’s this badass assassin, she still has a childish humanity inside her.

Cain being the one behind the killings I saw coming, and the rings with the duke and the king, and I want to know more about Kaltain’s role in all of this.

This book was such a great debut, and I’m looking forward to continuing on with it. I have Heir of Fire left, but before that I’ll read The Assassin’s Blade because there are so many references to her past in both this book and Crown of Midnight, so I want to know more and meet this infamous Sam.

Have you read this book? Series? Leave you thoughts below! Also, which team are yo on?





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39 thoughts on “Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas | Review

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  1. Yes, amazing book 😀
    I’m in the middle of Crown of Midnight, after the first book I liked both guys, even though I already had a soft spot for Dorian. But for the first part of #2 it’s only Celaena and Chaol… not anymore though =/ I don’t think they can be fixed, so DORIAN!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Lol I know this might sound harsh but I actually really enjoyed that scene. I mean I’m glad she didn’t do anything she’d regret to him but I felt like he deserved it really because it was part his fault, I rant all about it in my CoM review lol but I think she needed to take her anger out and I’m glad it wasn’t on Dorian too, I think maybe because she saw he was crying too

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think that the fact that Chaol had known about something rang louder, that and the fact that given that they were together, he should have filled her in.
        It’s really hard to read her so empty 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve never really read a Cassandra Clare book – I know shameful! My plan is to wait for the Shadowhunters series to start and if absolutely love it and can not wait for weekly instalments of the show, like I just have to know what happens next I’ll read the series. I’m actually hoping to have that reaction to it!


    1. Oh but there’s going to be like 6 books so you’ll have to wait like three years lol, I like marathoning series too, but this one is pretty long, it’s not like the usual trilogies, so I think you should definitely start (:


  2. Oh my gosh I am so incredibly happy that you loved Throne of Glass. Just a question.. Will you be doing a review for Crown of Midnight?
    And onto my thoughts. I love this series with all my heart. I’ve read all except The Assassins Blade. I am personally on Team Chaol for reasons I have no idea why. He just sticks with me. But I agree, Dorian is glorious and I want him for myself. I just couldn’t help but swoon to the moon and back at Celaena and Chaol’s relationship.
    The end battle scene had my heart beating out of my chest! I think I squealed multiple times as I was reading and I was breathing hard. I can’t wait for you to read Heir of Fire. There were so many new characters introduced that I pretty much fell in love with by the end of it. Wonderful review. If you’d like to see my thoughts on the entire series, I have my review of Throne of Glass in my 4 star section on my blog and Crown of Midnight and Heir of Fire in my 5 star section on my blog! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes! I have it written already, I’ll post it in a few days (: Lol well at least we agree on Dorian’s glory, and Chaol and Celeana’s relationship was pretty cute, especially in Crown of Midnight, the birthday scene was super nice too, but I always wanted for it to be Dorian instead of Chaol 😂. I’ll definitely check out your reviews, and thanks (: xx


  4. Omg I’m so glad you loved this book, wasn’t it just amazing? I loved it. I see from previous comments you’re going to be posting your review on Crown of Midnight in a few days, can’t wait to see it! I’m personally still choosing between Dorian and Chaol, I love them both and their relationships with Celaena are so cute. ❤ Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m so glad you’ve finally met celaena 🙂 I can see so many readers are showing more interest to this amazing series.After the ACOTAR has been released Throne of glass series has once again became popular. 😀 I’ve read only two books from this series but I’ll wait until queen of shadows is released so I could binge read them.Anyways, great review! Hope you like the next book. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, the hype for ACOTAR was humongous, I just finished The Assassin’s Blade last night then today I’ll start Heir of Fire. I’m excited to read ACOTAR too once I get to it, maybe next week because her writing is phenomenal so I’m sure I’ll love it too (:

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m halfway through heir of fire currently and I love it. Hopefully I’ll see your review once your finished 🙂


  6. I love S. J. Maas’s characterization! I’m reading Crown of Midnight right now, and it does not disappoint.


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